
Patricia Sprinkle

"If I could do anything in the world, I’d . . ."

Did you know your deepest dreams and yearnings may be planted within you by God, who may have bigger plans for those dreams than you’ve ever imagined?

This one-day seminar or weekend retreat balances leader input, small group sharing, and personal workbook time.

Surrounded by piles of laundry, clamoring families, demanding bosses, busy churches, and a To Do list that grows while we sleep, women of faith may limit dreams and yearnings to getting the latest project at work completed, or the children to bed early enough to do fifteen minutes of cross-stitch. But it can be dangerous to ignore the larger dreams and yearnings of our hearts. God may have plans for those dreams!

This seminar and its accompanying workbook offer women the chance to spend a day apart considering the deepest yearnings of our hearts, and how those yearnings may fit into God’s plan for the world. Using illustrations of biblical and other women who have said "Yes" to their dreams, women are encouraged to name their own dreams, and prayerfully consider how to put wings under them.

Time Frame:     

9 a.m. - 3 p.m. (Including lunch)
Friday evening – Sunday lunch

Topics Covered:

God has a plan.

God’s plan for us is described in Jeremiah 29:11: "a plan for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope." Could the dream God has planted within me be part of God’s plan for the entire world?

What keeps us from dreaming?

Saboteurs such as lack of time, lack of money, other people’s needs and even fear of success that persuade many women to put dreams on permanent hold. How can I overcome those saboteurs and begin to turn my dreams into reality?

Is this my dream, or somebody else’s?

If we don't plan our lives, somebody else will. How can I be sure I'm dreaming my dream, and not somebody else's dream for me? How can I tailor my dream to my own unique personality type, interests, abilities, preferred schedule and yearnings?

Committing To God’s Plan for Me

A dream requires commitment. Am I ready for that? How committed can I be at this particular time of my life? What will I do to express that commitment?

Seminar Fees:

$500 for 50 women. Negotiable for larger groups. Host group provides lunch or beverage for sack lunch.

Author will provide books for book table on request.

To discuss scheduling a seminar, e-mail Patricia Sprinkle at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contact Patricia Sprinkle at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and on Facebook.