
Patricia Sprinkle

WomenWhoDoTooMuchFor women who know they are doing too much but don't know how to stop...

A one-day seminar or a weekend retreat that provides a balance of leader input, small group sharing, and personal reflection time.

Today's Woman of Faith

. . . is always busy, but seldom feels she gets enough done

. . . sets goals for herself, but gets so swamped meeting other people's needs that she fails   to accomplish her own goals

. . . knows deep in her heart that this is NOT the way God intends her to live.

This seminar challenges every woman frazzled by trying to juggle too many roles to prayerfully seek God's plan for her life and get rid of hindrances to that plan. It is based on Women Who Do Too Much, written from my own experience and that of fourteen other women who faced enormous stresses and learned to manage their lives with a minimum of stress and a modicum of leisure.

You will not learn how to say 'No, but rather how to say 'Yes' to what really matters to you. Once you learn that, saying 'No' is easier.

Time frame:    

9 a.m. – 4 p.m. (including lunch)
Friday evening – Sun a.m.

Topics Include:

  • What causes all that stress? Participants look at causes of stress, including other people, in their own lives and develop skills to deal with things they can do something about now, things they can do something about long-term, and things they can do nothing about.
  • Finding God's plan for unique lives. Participants identify their personal dreams, their unique personal style and rhythm and this particular "season" in their lives, then begin prayerfully to set goals for this season, this year, this month, and this week. 
  • Wise ways to use time and avoid sabotage. Tips to help use time effectively, rather than merely efficiently. Also, major saboteurs and how to minimize their effects, and coping in a less-than-perfect world.

Seminar Fees:

$500 for groups 50 and under, plus travel and lodging. Larger groups, honorarium negotiable.

Host group provides lunch or beverage for sack lunch.
Author will provide books for book table on request.

To discuss holding this seminar, E-mail me at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Learn more about my book, Women Who Do Too Much.

Return to the seminars page.

Contact Patricia Sprinkle at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and on Facebook.